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Settings for the 5000

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Settings for the 5000 Empty Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:20 am

It is too time consuming to keep searching through all the posts for people's suggestions on 5000 settings, so please, if you have suggestions and comments ON SETTINGS, post them here.

Do not clutter up this post with replies about the rights and wrongs of people asking for ideas on settings, or of experienced operators helping others by donating their settings here.



Last edited by Jigalong on Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  AraratGold Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:24 am

See my settings about halfway down the page. That will get you started. Very Happy
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:27 am

Rick has given permission to post this here.


Location: Ararat Victoria
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:20 pm


Hi Groundrush,

I was running deep on the front end cap,
gain 12,
stabiliser 12,
special fine,
audio normal,
tone 40,
volume limit 13,
signal peak 19,
ground balance slow tracking ( not fixed ) then fixing with quick track button to investigate any target,
coil Rx in mono,
GB type general,
motion very slow,
target volume 12,
Detacc external booster running twin speakers.

Today whilst carefully gridding that little patch, I also found one of the smallest bird shots ever, despite never hearing the signal before with my 4500, so fine gold is definetly better than enhance !

I would say its sensitivity is about half way between enhance and special sensitive extra, but will still run on noisy ground where extra won't.

Hope that helps !

Rick [/b][/color]

Last edited by Jigalong on Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:02 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  AraratGold Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:39 am

No worries Jig. Very Happy
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Settings for the 5000 Empty JPs post from another forum

Post  Jigalong Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:32 pm

JP has given permission to post this here.

Settings for supplied 11" Monoloop coil in noisy ground,

Front end cap switches,

GB; Fixed
Coil RX; DD or Mono
Soil; Enhance
Search Mode; General
Threshold 12 - 1 O'clock

Menu settings, (no particular order)

Gain; 11 to 13
Motion; Slow
Audio; Normal or Deep
Stabilizer; 10 to 8
Special; Fine Gold (to get Fine Gold working (more sensitive timing than Enhance) you need to select special on the front end cap under Soil Timings).
Tone; I use 63
Signal; I use 19
GB Speed; Medium (only has an impact after the forced GB which lasts 3 to 5 seconds after triggering the Quick Trak button)
Response; Normal

If using headphones,
Volume Limit; 12
Target Volume; 8

For inbuilt Booster/Speaker use,
Volume Limit; 10
Target Volume; 12

For B&Z Booster/Speaker combo,
Volume Limit; 10
Target Volume; 8

Hope this helps,


PS Fine Gold, Enhance and Sens Smooth are what is know as a "Smooth Class" of timings, these three timings allow the use of a monoloop coil in heavily mineralised areas, Sens Smooth is the least sensitive to small targets of the three with Fine Gold being the most sensitive.

Last edited by Jigalong on Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  nero_design Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:32 pm

Jig, just go out with your own machine and learn from your experiences with the GPX 4500. The two machines are very similar with the exception of sensitivity and new timings. The coil used often throws out much of the settings preferred for another coil - and the location it's used on.

Detecting is very much like fishing: I see a lot of people intentionally giving away false information when it comes to settings, regardless of which detectors they use. I think they do it intentionally because they don't want others to benefit from their personal efforts. Whilst the settings posted in this thread look fine, I see some missing (but useful) information omitted.

There's about 5 or 6 really experienced prospectors on this forum who use the 5000 to make a living and they won't share their settings unless it's with someone they interact with or perhaps detect with regularly. Some won't even post here but are members or guests. You'll find they will share some settings with you but only by PM.

The GPX-5000 has a great potential if the user takes the time to learn from his experiences with it.
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Flakmagnet Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:59 am

It does seem strange to have people ask about settings
for the reasons Nero mentioned above.
Coil size alone dictates differences in settings, not to mention mineralization,
atmospherics and EMI, moisture, how good your hearing is and
personal preference.

Although someone else's settings may be one of the ways to start learning
it really does pay to have first hand knowledge from direct experience.


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:22 am

I did not write this post to get opinions on if I should, or should not want to read about other peoples settings. The fact is, I do. If any one has settings they have found to work various situations, or have found some quirk that is interesting, I would like to know about it.

It would be a pity if this post got filled up with opinions on the merits of asking for other peoples settings.

Ideas about settings - that is what is required here.

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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Alan WA Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:53 am

I think people might get a bit too hung up on what settings to use.
The FP's are pretty good. Just turn them up a bit if things are very quiet.Mainly gain, target volume & or stableiser.
Seems to me if you turn one up you have to turn something else down to compensate.

Alan WA
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:23 am

Reproduced (with permission) from Censored's post on this forum

The settings that I used are;

Search Mode:Deep
Soil Timings: Special (when using Fine Gold) otherwise it is in Enhance
Coil Rx:Mono and Double D
Ground Balance:Tracking

Volume Limit 12
Special Fine Gold
Motion Slow
RX Gain 11
Audio Normal
Audio Tone 38
Stabilizer 10
Signal 19
Target Vol 10
Response Normal
Tracking Slow then changed to Med (didn't really help with the ground noise)
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Settings for the 5000 Empty My 20 Cents worth

Post  Alwaysback Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:52 pm

Well here it is for all it's worth!! thanks to Bradshell for their help in Posting a Picture.
The GPX 5000 What a Detector! I have never owned a Detector that can run a 14x9 Nuggetfinder Elliptical Mono like this one can. I have just spent a few days away with the 5000 and was truly amazed at just what I have missed on the Heaps that have literally been done to death, not only by me either.
I have read all of the posts that have been written by forum members both for and against posting settings and decided to put in my 20 cents worth. I for one am someone that looks at other peoples settings and uses these as a starting point for my own. I thank those that have tried different settings and posted the results.
Settings for the 5000 Sep_2010-1
Front End Cap Settings
Search Mode:General - Timings:Special (Fine Gold) - Coil/RX: Mono - Balance:Tracking Fixed
Back End Cap
Motion: Slow: Rx Gain: 11; Audio: Normal; Audio Tone: 38; Stabilizer:10; Signal Peak 18;Target Volume:11
Response: Normal; Tracking Speed: Slow;Iron Reject Off.
Gold found over the few days 12.6gms; Smallest .3 Largest 1.9gms
As a footnote! my mate was using a 5000 as well and said it was way better than his previous 4500.
So do as I have done! read all you can on every ones settings and then if you need to, alter them to suit the Ground you are covering. I have since moved the gain up & brought the Stabilizer with it for another trip later! I will keep you posted.
I also use an external B&Z Booster and Speaker.
I did use the supplied Commander Mono and found it to be Fantastic on the Smaller bits; the four smaller bits at 2 o'clock were found with it, the deepest piece was at about 3" the other 3 were only 2"
All the others were found with the 14x9 Mono, the larger ones at 10 o'clock & 12 o'clock were about 9" down and very faint. I also dug Charcoal & Red Clay domes but these signals changed after a few inches of digging. I also have tried to slow my swing down to match my settings.
Regards Doug


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jonathan Porter Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:21 am

Alwaysback it's excellent to read you have had a positive experience with your 5000. Might I suggest for B&Z booster/speaker use you have your volume controls at Volume limit 10 and Target Volume 8? The reasons are, with the Volume Limit anything above 10 tends to exacerbate oscillation (feedback between the coils field and the speakers field) and with the Target Volume anything much higher than 8 tends to distort the response especially in the upper volume loudness levels, by running a lower Target Volume you can have more resolution in the Volume control of the Booster (Run higher amplification without distortion).

Hope this helps,

Jonathan Porter
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Flakmagnet Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:27 pm

Wow JP that is such an interesting post.
That change in volume(s), could really make a difference.
Are you going to put this info. up on any of the US forums?
There are a number of us who use B&Z boosters here.

Thank you,

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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  redback Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:02 pm

Thanks JP I will certainly do as you have sugested. Can't wait to see your DVD on the 5000.
Regards to you & your Family
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Nugget Meister Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:16 pm

Why do people use boosters on the 5000?

Aren't these B&Z boosters just audio boosters?
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  newbie Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:10 pm

hi guys for what its worth i will put the settings i stuck with when i came across small nuggets very recently on my first trip. i had virtually nil experience at detecting but must have got something right as the target signals i was getting were very clear through the headphones i used. but also hope to hear back if maybe i was doing something tht may not have been quite right. i did get to play around with the settings upon finding a target so just stuck too what i thought was best.
i used the standard 11in mono coil.
backlight off
vol limit 12
gb type gen
special fine
man tune 100
motion slow
rx gain 11
audio boost
audio tone 62
stabilizer 11
signal 19
target volume 11
response norm
tracking slow
iron reject off

on the front cap
search mode deep
soil timings special
coil/rx mono
ground balance fixed

one thing i had to do on occasions was change on front cap the settings from special to enhance as it helped get rid of noise. i also am positive that after detecting for a few hours in the morning then later in arvo the 5000 began to put off more ground noise. this was either because the ground warmed up producing noise, or the battery not fully charged from the mornings detecting?


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:39 pm

Good stuff Newbie. This post is not just about putting the perfect settings down, we need to discuss many settings to come to a better understanding of the new machine. Jig

Last edited by Jigalong on Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : snafu)
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Settings for the 5000 Empty sucess

Post  pilbaraprincess Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:19 am

the 5000 is excellent with the small deep gold, it all adds up Laughing


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  newbie Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:34 am

no probs jigalong. wish i could compare 5000 to other detectors but cant. can say however i absolutely love the machine for how it went for me.


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  kevlorraine2 Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:40 pm

newbi. wish i was as successful as you seem to be when first starting out.
i cant see fault with your settings, at the end you comment on haveing to switch to enhance to lower the interference noises. i have found you can run a high rx gain early in the morning, but in difficult conditions you have to progressively lower it during the day. so you are spot on in my books, but rather than changeing into enhance, to quieted the machine, try lowering the rx gain first, adjust the stabliser and check you threshold. see if that works first. also, as i generally find very early in the morning is the best for the detector (cold and no interferences) by about just after sunup, i have to sometimes retune the machine before trying anything else, and it works a lot of the time. so i now retune several times a day, muck with the rx gain several times a day, and ground balance at every whim of a signal. hope this gives you something to think about ... kev

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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  kevlorraine2 Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:51 pm

araratgold ...... thanks for your info on the use of fine gold v enhance v extra (ie extra the most sensetive but noisier, fine gold, quieter but not as sensetive as extra, and enhance even quieter still but the least sensetive) this is the question i asked in madtuna in his title under "first impressions" i was thinking that is where fine gold was slotting in.

i recently had a very good experience in extra with the 4500 in meekatharra compared to enhance, and was thinking the new fine gold was just a renamed extra of the 4500. so it has its own spot in the armoury of the new 5000. thank you ... kev

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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  AraratGold Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:31 pm

Hi Kev,
No worries mate, glad it answered your question. Very Happy
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Guest Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:01 pm

ahh sorry Kev...I didn't even see your question til I read this.


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  newbie Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:42 pm

hi guys not long to go and i be back out there. just a quick question and looking for any suggetions as to would i need to change soil/ timings setting to normal, special or enhance when i use the 18 inch mono coil. really not sure at all with this and love to hear suggestions please. when i found the small nuggets it was kept in special. just wondering do i need to change when looking deeper.sorry jigalong for putting this post up here.


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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:48 pm

Phil from Victoria emailed me these settings he is using. He gave me the OK to post them here - jigalong


Matched with 14" NF Elliptical & external speaker.

Timings: Enhance (Fine Gold (FG): will put settings for this in brackets)
Ground Balance: Fixed
Coil/RX: Mono
Search Mode: General

Backlight: Off
Volume Limit: 13
GB Type: General
Manual Tune: 106 most used but anywhere between 103-110 has been good for most conditions.

Motion: Slow
RX Gain: 14-15, 16 if ground permits (FG: 14)
Audio: Normal
Audio Tone: 62
Stabilizer: 8-10 - generally when gain is higher I tend to set this to 8 (FG: 9)
Signal: 19
Target Volume: 13 - try lifting this to 14 (if conditions allow) but if it makes threshold to chattery keep at 13.
Response: Normal
Tracking: FP
Discrimination: Off
Threshold: 1 to 2 O’clock - tend to run this closer to 2 O'clock
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:53 pm

"sorry jigalong for putting this post up here"
This is the place for discussing 5000 settings - there is nothing to apologise for. Jig
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jigalong Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:20 am

Anyone got any excellent new settings for different conditions yet ? If so, would you like to list them here please.
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Jonathan Porter Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:29 am

GPX 5000, 11" DD coil high interference area, high mineralisation, shallow gold ground settings.

Front end cap:
Tracking; Fixed
Coil/RX; Cancel
Soil/Timings; Special
Search Mode; General

(B&Z Booster Speaker use)
VOL Limit; 10
GB Type; General
Special; Fine Gold
MAN Tune; 90-128 (wherever it is quiet)
Motion; Slow
RX Gain; 11 to 18 (you can run a very high Gain because the detector is so stable, but use with caution as extra noise will mask gold)
Audio; Deep or Normal or if conditions allow Boost
Audio Tone; 63 (personal preference)
Stabilizer; 10 or even higher if conditions allow( higher numbers improve response to smaller targets)
Signal; 19 (higher numbers cause the response to be more identifiable)
Target Volume; 8
Response; Inverted (you need to invert the response as Cancel mode is out of phase)

Notes: I have used these settings in and around high voltage power lines with good success, the Cancel mode removes the interference, the Fine Gold timings remove the ground noise. Normally it is not recommended to use any of the "Smooth Class" of timings with a DD coil, however both Cancel and Mono mode convert a DD coil into a pseudo monoloop thereby increasing sensitivity and ground noise, so those timings can now be used effectively without loosing too much performance.

Cancel mode is not a deep seeking option, so it is best to target noisy areas that are generally shallow. In gold country this is usually around the schisty ridges where the power lines tend to run anyway. 0.05 gram pieces of gold are quite common when using this mode, being able to run ridiculous amounts of Gain really lifts the response, if the conditions allow you can also use the Boost audio filter instead of Normal or Deep mode. If Gain levels are run too high there will be a bit of feedback from brushing grass ect but generally it is a very quite detecting experience.

Hope this helps someone out there,


Jonathan Porter
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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Flakmagnet Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:17 am


Very interesting settings, especially the brief mention of Boost
which I have been experimenting with Smile

I have an original XP NF with the switch on the coil.
I loaned it to a friend who has used it under power lines with his 4500
and says it works really well.
I am itching to try it with the 5000.
Have you tried yours?
If so, how does it compare with the Cancel settings above?
Thank you.

All the best,

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Settings for the 5000 Empty Re: Settings for the 5000

Post  Flakmagnet Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:26 am

Another short question although I am not sure this is the thread to ask it on...
It is more advantageous to be able to get Gain higher or Stabilizer?
I have been working under the general guideline that everything is, in a sense, a slave to Gain.
That trying to get Gail as high (and as stable) as possible is what one tries for -
and that for the most part, the other settings are secondary and supportive of that aim.
Wondering if this is a flawed assumption.

Not trying to hijack the thread and will gladly move it if requested.

Flak, who is (always), interested in learning.
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