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Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil

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Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil Empty Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil

Post  yellowmellow Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:58 am

Hi all,

I am thinking of getting the blitz coil from coiltek.

Has anyone uesed one of these coils on the gpx4500 and if so what settings would you use also are they effective on the gpx4500?

thinking of going for a swing this weekend if its not too hot.


Tim eureka
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Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil Empty Re: Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil

Post  yellowmellow Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:38 pm

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Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil Empty Blitz for GPX 4500

Post  Hoof Hearted Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:20 pm

Eureka wrote:Hi all,

I am thinking of getting the blitz coil from coiltek.

Has anyone uesed one of these coils on the gpx4500 and if so what settings would you use also are they effective on the gpx4500.


Tim eureka

Hi Tim.

I purchased one a few wks ago for my GPX 4500, no colour so far but plenty of the other usual suspects... Found a pretty beat up ally can in river gravel at around 1/2m, but being a new kid on the block I couldn't say if that was good bad or indifferent, the thing I like about it so far it is very smooth and quiet with great response, shotgun pellet size junk stands out like the proverbial dogs, with an external speaker I run the volume at 2/3, even less when I use the Bluetooth set up. I'm going to Wedderburn this W/E so will let you know results re settings etc...

Cheers HH.

Hoof Hearted
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Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil Empty Re: Thinking of getting a blitz coiltek coil

Post  Guest Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:47 am

yeh mate i`ve got one,its a very capable coil and great for pin pointing and i enjoy using it , but i don`t know that its a great deal different in performance to the commander 11". maybe a little better on small bits but maybe the commander goes a little deeper but there is not a hell of a lot of difference between the two coils
cheers dave


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