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Which coil for GP 3500?

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Which coil for GP 3500? Empty Which coil for GP 3500?

Post  Stumbler Wed 2 May - 10:56

Hi there
I have a small mono, an 11 inch DD and a Coiltek mini UFO, which woulkd be the best coil to use on a GP 3500 in WA?.
Any suggestions on settings for a certain coil?. Any help much appreciated, thanks.



Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2012-05-02

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Which coil for GP 3500? Empty Stumbler

Post  Goldfields Explorer Sat 2 Jun - 21:53

Hi yah
well that depends where abouts in WA your at as the ground changes alot
I use a 3500 , So if your in good clean ground thats quiet use your mono coil.
If your detecting in hot rock country stick to your DD Cheers GFE
Goldfields Explorer
Goldfields Explorer
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Registration date : 2011-03-28

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