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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo? Empty fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

Post  corydale Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:04 pm

does anyone know if you can get a fitted skid plate for the old mini ufo? i got one recently and love it- without the skid plate- because you can see what you are doing. but i would like to protect the coil as its a super piece of kit. any idea if you can get fitted skids? if not i might butcher the solid one that came with it......
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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo? Empty Re: fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

Post  Coiltek Manufacturing Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:32 pm

Hi There,

There was never a fitted skid plate made for these coils. We only had the solid ones.

What we used to do for our older 19" round open coil was buy some PVC tube 25mm Diameter and slice it on one side along the length so it could open up and fit around the perimeter. It would sort of clip on if done right. This prevented the knocks hitting the outside of the coil.

This may be an option?

Trevor @ Coiltek
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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo? Empty Re: fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

Post  mulgadansa Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:36 pm

Gday Corydale
If you have a look in my user album under Mulgadansa in the gallery, you'll see a mini UFO I modified a few years ago. I cut up a skid plate for the bottom of the coil and fixed it on with silicone. Hasn't moved yet. I fitted a skid plate to the top of the coil and sandwiched some emi shielding material between that and the remnant I had left from cutting out the bottom skid plate.
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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo? Empty Re: fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

Post  Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:05 pm

I had one of the old mini UFO coils with the solid skid plate. Great coil. I never even taped the skid plate on as it sorta clipped into place.
That way,once it got a bit of dirt in it,it could be slipped off....a quick clean and your back in business.


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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo? Empty Re: fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

Post  Harb Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:43 pm

I did this once and it worked well....

I got a tray big enough to fit the coil into...... I then mixed up about a mug full of Fibre Glass resin with hardener, poured it into the tray then lowered the coil into the tray untill the lower section (about 2/3rds the way up the sides of the coil ) were covered in resin..... I then pulled it out and covered the tray and warmed the coil with a hair dryer or heat gun till it just started to get tacky... I then lowered it in again....did this about 3 times until the stuff in the tray started to go off..... worked a treat.

I also did something similar with that liquid Insulation tape paint, but I just painted it on....... they were still great condition when I sold them.
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fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo? Empty Re: fitted skid plate for coiltek mini ufo?

Post  geof_junk Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:35 pm

Some people use water base stone chip paint for cars and paint a layer or 2 over the base of the coil.
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