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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:17 am

Well done Trevor. It couldn't have happened to a better bloke.



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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Re: Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  MS Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:12 am

I'm not surprised Trevor has continued to grow his business as fast as he has, he has a real passion for what he does, puts in the hard yards and has great customer service and products, very rare combination to see now days in any business.
Cheers Mark
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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Re: Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  gcause Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:39 am

Well done Trevor!!! Great to see an Australian company doing well. Very Happy
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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Re: Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  The Modern Day Prospector Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:08 pm

I use a 18 inch elliptical, 16 inch round and 14x9 elliptical all goldstalker series and they all work really well on my GPX4500 and also congratulations on you continuing success.

Cheers Brian.
The Modern Day Prospector
The Modern Day Prospector
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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Re: Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:15 pm

Congratulations Trevor
A quality product with great backup Well deserved
Cheers Dig


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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Re: Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  Ash100456 Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:29 pm

Congatulations to Trevor & his great Team at Coilteck, Good products with good service is always a recipe for success. Well deserved.
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Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff Empty Re: Congratulations to Trevor and the Coiltek staff

Post  Coiltek Manufacturing Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:06 pm

Thankyou for the kind comments!

Winning the award was a great achievement for Coiltek and all of its staff who work hard and achieve high standards.
Of course, without the prospectors out there -worldwide- who use Coiltek we wouldn't be here! Thankyou to all of your support and trust in our product.

Since I started in the industry/hobby in 1996, i have seen it develop into a great network of great people and great businesses - they all compliment each other. I reckon I could do this till the day I retire or drop dead - whichever comes first! Smile I hope the former as I have many areas which I want to hunt but need the time of retirement to work them.

Once again - Cheers to all.
Onwards and Upwards!

Coiltek Manufacturing
Coiltek Manufacturing
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