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the best coil for leonora

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the best coil for leonora Empty the best coil for leonora

Post  big chop Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:40 pm

i am getting a gp extreme and i am wondering what coil is best for the leonora area confused
big chop
big chop
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the best coil for leonora Empty Re: the best coil for leonora

Post  kon61 Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:46 pm

G'day Big chop.

No such thing as one coil suits all ground conditions. Can you be more specific on the type of ground you wish to hot ground,mildly mineralized ground,shallow rocky terrain,deep wash terrain,gully,creek,vast flats etc etc.

Cheers kon61.

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the best coil for leonora Empty Re: the best coil for leonora

Post  Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:52 am


Leonora..... extreme..... 14DD/11" mono all good.

Leonora ground

the best coil for leonora Guesswherethisspotis-1

P.S Gloves are so i dont drop me Tinnies.. Razz

Pete in WA Cool


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the best coil for leonora Empty Re: the best coil for leonora

Post  Narrawa Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:28 am

Strike a light!! check that out!! it looks like a dolphin torch sitting on that table? scratch

I had one as a kid, battery gobbling dinosaur of a thing they were. lol!
Got the thing as a xssy present, first thing ya did with it was toss it in the pool...turned on of cause as you do. We didn't have a dolphin to play with in our pool like they did on the telly, , but our dog sure gave it a good flogging just the same! Laughing Best toy i ever had as a kid till the battery went flat, and that broke my heart. Sad

Ps, the gloves are for insulating the cool can from the warm hearing ya! Laughing
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the best coil for leonora Empty Re: the best coil for leonora

Post  big chop Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:50 am

thanx but the dingo would go well out there 'cause wasn't it made in WA
p.s i like the new avatar photo Very Happy
big chop
big chop
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Good Contributor

Number of posts : 137
Registration date : 2011-06-05

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