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GPZ Battery and WM12 Module charging

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GPZ Battery and WM12 Module charging Empty GPZ Battery and WM12 Module charging

Post  coreytroy Sun May 10, 2015 11:33 am

It is not stated in the user manual, but just want to confirm if you can charge BOTH the detector battery AND the WM12 unit simultaneously?

Or does this affect the charging output, and you should only charge one item at a time?

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GPZ Battery and WM12 Module charging Empty Re: GPZ Battery and WM12 Module charging

Post  GoldHound Sun May 10, 2015 11:34 am

coreytroy wrote:It is not stated in the user manual, but just want to confirm if you can charge BOTH the detector battery AND the WM12 unit simultaneously?

Or does this affect the charging output, and you should only charge one item at a time?
Yes its desighned to charge both at once.
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