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Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine!

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Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine! Empty Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine!

Post  cabletie Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:54 am

I had a good time finding those good mellow deep signals for a few hours out in the bush today. After 10 mins of switching on my machine and swinging back and forth in a random sort of pace, just warming up and a nice mellow sound struck the ear drum. It didnt take long to scrape that over growth on the bush floor to discover the signal becoming stronger. Getting my trusty little brickies hammer I found in past adventures and restored, I set sail at digging that fine sound to the ear drum out of its nest. First was a couple of inches added to the cute little mullock heap I had formed. With Red stained ragged qaurts adding to the pile and on top of the top soil and leaves and little grubs and things I started to get a bit excited to be honest. Down a few more inches and probably add a couple of 10mms in there to mess with you older persons who still run with Imperial, I scraped the last of the last touched minerals and clays by the old timers onto my little mound of dirt to trip over or play with my matchbox cars on (whatever comes first) and waved that signal hello with the squealing wand and that chilled out noise was out of the hole believe it or not! Heart pounding and hands put to work I pinpointed this surprise and put my handy trained sand pit skills from childhood to work! Those first few scoops was to waisted effort. Than NekZ Minit'! It was in my hand! Holding that little piece that had led me to this mission I'd like to refer to as dreamy or epic or Holy S***! Carefully halfing that mustardy smelling dirt into my other hand narrowing down this over rated colour that everyone goes crazy about, I get a small soup ladel sized scoop and begin the miniature fossicing adventure in the palm of my hand(Yes I just made this game up, but hey everything miniature is fun just like model trains or miniature ponys). One prod at a time she finally reveals herself in half a pinky nail sized peice,and with what (at the time, as anyone does is over estimate the weight) felt like a large marble. A good long snort to clear the throat/nostrals and a colourful drop of detergent like liquid onto this prize in my hand,and a cut and polish later to get the first glance of some $$$, I stopped. Looking at this piece was both a great feeling and left me wondering why this decent size was still here, underground about 5 inches and being in a well known gold field, surely someone had to of unmask this. So finally I come to my conclusion of this exciting and leading story, I had found a nugget of lead from some kind gentlemans rifle. I found a total of 18 bullets that day in just 2 - 3 hours and must say Im more that happy to turn your rifle horizontally 180 degrees before you pull the trigger anyday. Cheers mate! At least I might make a few cents back on scrap or a few small sinkers that will, with my luck will probably snap the line when I cast or get snagged in some rocks or logs.

Happy Hunting!


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Number of posts : 575
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine! Empty Re: Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine!

Post  CostasDee Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:44 am

Nice story cabletie. As annoying that it is, I don't mind find deep lead as no one else has found it, so what else have they missed around it. Of course the yellow coloured variety is alot better to find....

Number of posts : 3971
Registration date : 2010-11-23

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Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine! Empty Re: Just had Really Good productive couple of hours on the machine!

Post  cabletie Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:17 pm

Yeah I like like collecting bullets actually. Id rather a bullet that a bolt or washer.
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Contributor Plus

Number of posts : 575
Age : 33
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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